32.DBX社160SL(コンプレッサー/リミッター)のインプレ_Impression of DBX 160SL Compressor/Limiter

特筆できる点は17分35秒からのAphex Twin(Richard David James)によるBPM170の高速ビーツにおいて,本機の
↓BEHRINGER A500(パワーアンプ)
モニターSPの破損を懸念しフルレンジ=FOSTEX FE204 (Full-range speaker)で対応させて頂きました。
ハンディ動画レコーダーのSONY HDR-MV1の内蔵マイクに依存した生録音です。動画においての音声の編集は一切行っておりません。
ロックテイストをお好みの際は13:45秒辺りからSteve Vaiの
Michael Laurence Nymanによる映画音楽「The Piano」=ピアノ曲
Film music 「The Piano」 = Piano piece by "Michael Laurence Nyman"
01Film music by "Ennio Morricone" 「Nuovo Cinema Paradiso」
Cassandra Wilsonによるジャズ・ヴォーカル01
01Jazz Vorcal by "Cassandra Wilson"
Cassandra Wilsonによるジャズ・ヴォーカル02
02Jazz Vorcal by "Cassandra Wilson"
Steve Vaiによるギター・ソロ・プレイ
Guitar solo play by "Steve Vai"
Aphex Twin(Richard David James)によるBPM170の高速ビーツ
High-speed Beats of "BPM170" by "Aphex Twin(Richard David James)"
02Film music by "Ennio Morricone" 「Nuovo Cinema Paradiso」
Information on WEB improved movie through several existing CD sources from the movie that was the scarce operation equal to the nil though 160SL of United States DBX Co. was a wonderful processor.
After having seen the animation that improved several times,
I noticed the thing that Mistake is a lot of.
I 'm sorry for there is part where the stuff is sweet a lot about the hastened edit.
In operation other than changeability, I think that there is hardly
a problem.
As for the point that can make a special mention,
I think you show responded of world 1 of this machine terrible and made in high-speed Bets of BPM170 by Aphex Twin(Richard David James) from 35 seconds of 17 minutes.
I used the source of BPM170 by chance. It is machine parts that maintained the mission that was able also to endure a more high-speed rhythm.
When it is possible to audition, it is glad.
【 output route of sound source 】
(It is uneven at the output level of the L・R channel)
↓OFC line cable ↓ patch bay
this machine input → output
↓ patch bay of
↓ It becomes
↓BEHRINGER A500 (power amplifier). For me as the owner
This becomes the last handling.
It is considerably tricky changeable from a middle sound source (Live).
I was allowed to be concerned about monitor SP damage and to correspond by full range sp = FOSTEX FE204 (Full-range speaker).
The enclosure to which FE204 is done in the mount is a size of the box of 30㎝ in width, 24㎝ in depth, and 80㎝ in length.
In the sound on movie
The life is recorded according to a built-in mike of SONY HDR-MV1 of the handicap animation recorder.
I do not edit the voice in animation at all.
The power handling (input) value
is about 80W of the speaker limit value.
It seems that there is a part where the reproduction limit value of the speaker is exceeded during animation, too.
I think whether the presumption sound pressure level has exceeded 90db by about 1.5 meters as for the distance with a built-in mike of Handycam.
Please hear the environment of a private youth to which the wall doesn't do the acoustic treatment with flooring either and do the floor in part multi multi cover and desire as painful.
Hereafter, it becomes the order of the reproduction of
"Input source sound source".
In ..lock taste.. favorite, it becomes the guitar solo performance of Steve Vai for about 13:45 seconds.
Film music "The Piano" = piano piece Film music "The Piano" by Michael Laurence Nyman = Piano piece by "Michael Laurence Nyman"
01Film music by "Ennio Morricone" Film music
01 by Enrio Morricone "New cinema paradise" "Nuovo Cinema Paradiso"
Jazz Vorcal 01 by Cassandra Wilson 01Jazz Vorcal by "Cassandra Wilson"
Jazz Vorcal 02 by Cassandra Wilson 02Jazz Vorcal by "Cassandra Wilson"
Guitar solo play Guitar solo play by "Steve Vai" by Steve Vai
"BPM170" high-speed by "Aphex Twin(Richard David James) of Bets High-speed Beats of of BPM170 by Aphex Twin(Richard David James)"
02Film music by "Ennio Morricone" Film music 02 by Enrio Morricone "New cinema paradise" "Nuovo Cinema Paradiso"
It would be greatly appreciated when becoming a help when your tendering.