08.EIKICHI YAZAWA-矢沢永吉”-【Angelina】アンジェリーナ-弾き語り-Japanese Pionner’s Ballade

日本人でソロ活動をしているアーティストの中で, 国家や人種を超越して歌を表現出来るひとはそんなに多くありません。
In the solo artist who is acting in the Japanese Nobody can express so much a lot of songs by transcending the nation and the race.
I think that Mr.Yazawa who introduces it in the 01st numbers of these channels is the pioneer person.
今日紹介するナンバーは The number introduces today アンジェリーナというバラードで,まさにそんな曲だと思います。
I exactly think that it is such a tune with the ballade named Angelina...
And so well...It's a tune of the love of it and Adult...
アンジェリーナというと,著名な Anjelina is famous Angelina Jolie Pitt(アンジェリーナ・ジョリー)を思い出してしまいますが,もう20年以上前にReleaseした曲ですので,無論関係はないかと思います。
I recall Angelina Jolie Pitt . It's a tune that has already done Release 20 years or more ago. I do not think that relate of course.
I think that it is a ballade that doesn't feel old-fashioned a little.
全部耳コピでCoverして歌いました。 All Cover was done with ear [kopi] and it sang.
It has become up-tempo from an original tune why.
Dシャープのマイナーセブンス・フラットファイブだと思いますが・・ギターへの叩きが甘くて良く鳴ってくれませんでした。 I
thought that 「d#m-7b5」..... The beating to the guitar did not ring sweetly and well ‥.
It is my power shortage. An original tune is wonderful. I listen to an original tune by all means in case of being at the opportunity.
Then, again.


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